Foreign exchange trading is risky. The Forex School fully understands this risk and has incorporated several proven money and risk management safeguards into our trading philosophy. These safeguards can help protect the trader...when followed. 

The high degree of volatility within the foreign exchange market, particularly within the intraday market, and the ability to leverage your positions means that losses can be quick and significant.

It is possible to lose your total investment. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Therefore, foreign exchange trading is only recommended for those who are experienced and/or have knowledge of the market and the inherent risks involved.

All potential investors should be clear of the risks involved in foreign exchange trading prior to investing in the market. There are no guarantees of profits and there are significant risks involved. You should be wary of any companies promising high returns with low risk.

The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has issued an advisory to investors on foreign currency trading fraud. All potential investors should read this article. CFTC Article:www.cftc.gov/enf/enfforex.htm