People from all over the world and from all walks of life have learned to trade Forex for various reasons. This includes the working class, business professionals, stay-at-home moms, retirees, and college students alike.
Millions of people use Forex as a primary or secondary source of income, a home-based business, an investment or retirement tool, or as a challenging and rewarding hobby.
Here are some of the advantages of investing in Forex:

  1. Not Age Dependent
  2. Not Location Dependent
  3. Make Your Own Hours
  4. Low Startup Costs (Computer and Internet)
  5. Start Trading Immediately
  6. Recession Proof / Global Business
  7. No Employees
  8. No Overhead
  9. No Paperwork
  10. No Inventory
  11. No Customers
  12. No Sales / Marketing
  13. No Licenses Required
  14. No Insurance Required
  15. Accounts Can Be Funded With Very Little Money
  16. Immediate Access to Your Profits (Liquidate Positions Instantly)